The Bureau County Fair Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Bureau County Fair Mission Statement is “To enhance the Bureau County Fair and to encourage the use of the Bureau County Fairgrounds by providing financial support exclusively for the Bureau County Agricultural Board, in order to preserve and enhance the vitality of the County Fair and the Fairgrounds for generations to come.”

Due to the current state of the economy, the Bureau County Fair Foundation will not be holding their annual sponsorship campaign. However, anyone who would like to make a donation of financial support to the fair during these challenging times can do so using one of the following two options below.
All donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations and are greatly appreciated to support the mission of the Bureau County Fair Foundation. Due to the generosity of our fair partners, volunteers, and sponsors, we are able to continue to produce the annual Bureau County Fair, which for many is the best week of the summer.

The Bureau County Fairgrounds has been the entertainment center of Bureau County for over 160 years. Since 1855 the Bureau County Fair has been the place to enjoy meeting your friends and neighbors, exhibit the best livestock and household items, and make memories with the whole family.
811 W. Peru Street, Princeton, Illinois
Office: 815-875-2905
Cell: 815-303-2905
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